
Sunday, May 08, 2005

Spacial Profiling

I object to wasting four hours of my life.
I am new to blogging. I had been hearing about it for some time, but it never really sparked my interest. My experience before now was primarily their persistently providing inexpert opinions in my serious research efforts.
It was the intoduction of the Groowe Search Toolbar into my Firefox browser that led me to create my first blog. After a couple of posts and the creation of my second blog I decided to edit my profile. I spent some time filling in my favorite movies and music in a pathetic attempt to appeal to everyone. When I reached the bottom of the page I found this message:
The children are waiting! Please tell them the story about the bald frog with the wig.
Oh,cool! A writing assignment. I didn't want to spend too much time as I was eager to get on with blogging so I whipped up a little limerick. Wanna read it? Here it is:
Once in the swamps of Louisiana
There lived a most unhirsute Rana
To a toupeed man out gigging
He croaked "Give me your wigging!"
Who was shocked by the frog's vox humana.
(Pretty shoddy as it lacks the mandatory innuendous twist, but what do you expect in the wee hours of the morning?)
Next I attempted to save my profile without success. It seems I had exceeded a previously unmentioned character limit. Here's where things became arduous as I attempted to pare down my favorite media to the bare essentials with the shortest titles (e.g. keeping Dune and ousting The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). After being reduced to pairs like The Little Mermaid and Reservoir Dogs I finally realize that it was only my response to the random question that needed editing. Which makes me wonder how much more pissed I would have been if I hadn't been too lazy to write more than a limerick.


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