
Friday, September 09, 2005

The Mysterious Case of the Missing Detective

Long before Tolkienites, Trekkies and Potterheads crowded convention centers and camped out in ticket lines there were the Sherlockians. Possibly the oldest conglomeration of obsessive geekdom,they formed such diverse groups as the worldwide Baker Street Irregulars and Memphis, Tennessee's The Giant Rats of Sumatra. Why then are they so absent from the World Wide Web, bastion of fanatical categorization?

Well, not absent. Google "sherlock holmes" and you will receive just over 4.2 million hits. Though if you compare that to "star trek" with 20.9 million and a whopping 37.4 million for relative newcomer "harry potter" then the consulting detective disappears into the shadowy fog.

I have been searching in vain for a comprehensive list of the characters who inhabited Doyle's universe. Such things exist for popular television like The Simpsons and obscure underground comic Love & Rockets. Other than many online collections of the Holmes' canon and pastiches, the most extensive site I have found is from these nerds who've chosen to share their love of all things Sherlock with this huge gallery of their pasty faces.

Come now, I know you have internet access and time on your hands. Get to work on the Sherlock Holmes Character Database before this rank amateur is forced to take on the task himself.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Dave Chappelle

I completely missed the boat on the latest Chappelle news. I knew that there were no new episodes of his show airing but, hey, it was summer. I heard comments about his being in Africa. I thought he might be taking part in some relief effort or perhaps just exploring his roots. Maybe even filming segments for the new season.

Well if you're interested and too lazy to Google his name yourself, here's the straight dope.

Early reports were balanced between claiming he had entered rehab and that he was in a mental institution. Neither of these have been corroborated by a reliable source. According to a recent Time interview, Dave is just trying to get his shit together spiritually and figure out who his real friends are in the aftermath of his 50 million dollar deal with Comedy Central.

In a recent appearance on Jimmey Kimmel Live, goddess Sarah Silverman claimed she would be taking over the hosting duties on Chappelle's Show. A joke befitting her humor but it isn't a joke. This is awesome. The Arsenio Hall Show was born of Hall's guest-hosting for an AWOL Joan Rivers. Will The Sarah Silverman Hour be long in coming? I have my fingers crossed.

Correction: Apparrently my first assumption was correct. It is a joke. Further investigation has found that the only ones corroborrating this info are idiots (like me) perpetuating the myth on their blogs. How much do you want to bet I'm the first to admit I had my head up my ass?

Just Kill Me

Warning! Do not use the word "maps" spelled backwards in your blog. It apparently attracts assholes. My blog recieves little traffic. My previous post though recieved 3 comments overnight which follow (links have been disabled)...

Anonymous said...

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8:54 PM

At first I was flattered and then overcome with horror. Was this a joke? If it were it would be right up my alley and fucking hilarious. But I think not. Is word verification not enough to dissuade this evil? Do these bastards get paid by the post or by the click? Attention fuckwads: unrelated comments will be deleted. Don't waste your time or mine.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Blog Spam

Holy Effin God! A sure sign of the Apocolypse. So excited to recieve my first comment to one of my semi-brilliant blog posts only to discover unrelated bullshit about trees. What the fuck?! I have nothing clever to say about this (or anything else; haven't you been reading the blog) just want to curse the poster to an unforgiving Hell.
Kudos to Blogger for being on top of this problem. Word verification is now on asshole.